Tuesday, February 24, 2009
very long long time didn't jog ady..
around 5 to 7 round of the field..
i hope i can really run bt nt jog in the field..
hey, the orange juice, cucumber, mee n biscuit really make me full la!!
i won't trouble myself especially it is related 2 health de..
watching the show in front,
i miss my band..
very much..
we play the music together in the stage..
communicate jus using eyes sight..
having a tacit bt common rhythm..
jus playing a song..
huh, miss my clarinet sometimes..
dreaming 2 playing it again..
i don mind 2 spend some times on it..
i don mind 2 sacrify ..........
bt, after all, IT WAS JUS OVER!
memories fade, bt feeling won't dissapear.. 4ever..
it is a raining season..
many insects come into my room 4 shield..
oh god, i hate that!!
raining can calm pp, bt it makes us frustrated smtime too, rite?
HAPPY 2 everyone..
stop the fighting, pls!
i enjoy 2 play n having fun..
i feel i'm so ginna..
stop fighting!!
i'm going 2 be 19th soon..
i hope my mind is mature n nt stopping at 3 years old thinking..
jus act like a grown up..
jus 2 remind myself la..
sorry bro, if i punch u so hard 4 2day..
sorry little bro, if i really hurt u all the time..
sorry 2 all my frens, if i did hurt u (in the form of words or physical abuse)..
i promise i will change..
n be more serious next time..
Monday, February 23, 2009
remind me pls! b4 i lose control!! pls..
got 2 make it tis time..
erm,hoping all my frens n family around me can help me tis time..
it's really important n vital 2 me!!!
it is once in a life time event 4 me!!
especially i'm 18th that going 2 be 19th very soon..
i got 2 on diet!!
i got 2 do consistent exercise!!
i got 2 save my budget...
actually, there will be an big event held on june and september..
erm, jus hope everything will going smooth..
i wanna save some budget 2 buy new clothes n present..
n of course, new clothes must pair wit slim body shape rite? haha..
pls, remind me always b4 i loss control again!!
thanks ya pp..
然 後教授就問學生同不同意這個罐子已經是滿的了
邊倒邊搖, 不一會兒 所有的高爾夫球間的縫隙
可是,話才剛說完 教授又從講桌底下拿出?
F一杯細沙子 教授又用同樣的方法
教授又問了大家同不同意 這回罐子是真正的滿了??
倒完咖啡後 教授笑著對同學們說:
同學們也跟著笑了起來 就在整個教室的歡笑聲裡
『你們知道我今天做這個表演,是要告訴你們什麼嗎 ?
可是要是缺了這些大事情 我們的生命根本沒有意義。
好放入高爾夫球跟鵝卵石 同樣地,
教授回答道 這兩杯咖啡就是要告訴我們
似乎是一天的 24 小時總是不夠用?
如果你還是這麼想的話 想想
Sunday, February 22, 2009
a meaningful weekend..
watch the video down there 4 2nd times..
i help my bro 2 bought tis book..
Bro, must lend me tis book after u finished it!!
i wanna be the 1st who lend!!
i don care!!
there r somemore books that lure me..
so , whoever got MPH card pls PM me..lend me 2 buy some books.. thanks ya..^^
erm, i enjoyed very much that day..
thanks a lot, son..
i spend my weenkend at home..
watching tv, playing keyboard, eating, sleeping, reading books, playing wit my bro n so on..
yesterday nite..
somebody called me 2 lately in the midnite bt 2 early in the dawn..
he alerted my mind..
thanks a lot guy...
i never felt the urge 2 awake myself on 3am in the morning 2 do thinking...
i took out all the old note books n diaries..
refresh back many many things..
there r too many things...
my life, my POV, my feeling..
the happy moment, the sad story n many more..
bt, it revives me very much..
cos i found my dreams..
here they r: i wrote tis thingy b4 SPM..
i gonna elaborate more on tis thingy next time..
due 2 leak of sleeping, i can't really wake up the next (sunday) morning..
i took the bus again 2 back 2 melaka in the afternoon..
thanks 2 the brillliant JF and the kind JY..
we jumped down from the bus ..
i get back 2 ixora 1 hour earlier than usual....
the sky 2day raining heavily..
n the storm n lightening were playing around too..
the whole campus r likely 2 eaten by the heavy rain...
bt, i believe it is reviving the earth.. after it is being polluted so much...
i sense the freshness in the air after it stop..
jus like my mind is being activated again..
thanks a lot a lot...
luckily u back safetly 2day..
take care, my frens..
Friday, February 20, 2009
too much bt too late..
bt it is too much too late..
if i still rmr back here..
i will gonna tell u all about it..
hav a nice weekend every1!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
~My Dream..~
however, our smart JY also having his counselling next 2 their table too.. haha..
i learn a lot from the topic 2day.. i hav been a long time didn't motivated by pp.. thanks a lot JY..
So, let me ask u..
What is your dream??
Human do loss themself during growth..
They scared 2 take the risk and nt strong enough 2 hold their dream due 2 the Superego (moral value of society)
i did not deny that i hav loss mine since decade ago..
2day, i can't really figure out wat my dream is...
A teacher? A successful business women? An event manager? A hotel receptionist? or a bakery's owner..
**tell me yours..
Sunday, February 15, 2009
valentine day VS brother's birthday..
the food seem 2 be nt much, bt it makes us full..
however, 6 cubes of tom yam flavour ajinomoto definately make the soup taste so delicious..
It should hav a compete pyramid if don hav 'YI YONG'
erm, b4 we went home..
we sang a birthday song 4 WK..
although the time is nt such accurate (due 2 we r shui du).. hehe..
I challenge WK 2 play a song 4 us 2morow..
hope 2 hear from u.. hehe..
if u do it, u will hav a prize.. haha..
valentine VS brother's birthday..
erm, there r something i wanna say bout it..
WK, happy 19th birthday.. wish all ur dream do come true..
actually i scared 2 be 19th.. if the time can freeze at the moment of 18th years old of mine, it should be wonderful.. (no worry, i'm nt hoping 2 be a vampire.. haha)
i know my intro is a bit long.. bt, the 1 who read until tis part is definately my loyal frens..
erm, wat can i say?
although it is jus a week, bt it seem many thingy had happened..
happy moment is short bt sorrow moment is long, that's wat v feel always..
the longest distance in the world is when 2 people face each other, bt their heart r miles apart..
the most hurting thingy can happen is when u need 2 hurt the one who u care so much..
the heart that broken will hav scar forever although it ady recover..
memories fade, bt feeling won't fade..
i don know wat i'm doing, where i'm going, n who am i sometimes..
if my decision went wrong, jus let it be.. cos there r no return..
"HOW DO I LIVE WITHOUT YOU?" the song i always sang, bt 我想我可以一个人生活..
nobody can't survive without anyone.. 4give n 4get it..
(OMG, my brain turned off di, i don know wat am i saying????? @.@
i should sleep now..)
when happy moment is shared, it is doubled..
when sorrow is shared, it is haved..
thanks 4 ur care, my dear n lovely frens, u all do touch my heart..
****IF SOMEDAY, I LOSS MY MIND AGAIN, PLS REMIND ME I'M THE LUCKIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD! thanks a lot.. it can calm me down..****
--i really got 2 go, somebody keep urging me sleep.. nite!--
Friday, February 13, 2009
Oops!! I did it again..
The sunset on wed.. I go hiking wit QH..
Somebody is very high until he start dancing in the car..
poor KS becomes his 'steel pipe'.. hoho..
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I’m a bad girl..
N nice 2 meet all the ex classmate.. All become leng zai leng lui ady.. N nt the ginna 5 years ago.. hehe..
2day wake up too early, make me feeling PXX 4 a whole day..
Tis few day gt watch sm movie n read sm books, there r sm POV that I would like 2 share:
My Date wit A Vampire II : Bro, finally I finish the DVD.. dare 2 hate n dare 2 love is easy 2 say bt difficult 2 do.. n 1 thing, wanna stop oneself from crying is definitely going 2 kill me.. I hope I hav her strength in real life..
Bride War : I’m really touched by the frenship.. That’s is hard 2 find a fren that could share every happy n sad moments wit u.. be appreciative if u hav one.. reality might make pp change n rebel, bt time will always the honest narrator 2 tell u the truth. N nobody is perfect in tis world, v no need 2 pretend 2 be the strongest n perfectible all the time..
Bloodyhood story : life need 2 moving on although smone left u.. nobody will can’t survive without any1.. jus be 4give n 4get, learn 2 accept things faster, u will hav the chance more frequent..
“能互相信任、关怀和帮助的友谊,会比有负担的爱情来的珍贵和长久。”I 4get where it comes from, bt I like the meaning..
That’s all 4 2day..
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Stabbed by my brother,Lee Wei Keong!!
Italicize the statements you wish were true;
Leave the fibs alone.
Then, stab 5 people to do the tag.
I’m 170cm + tall.
I don’t know what I want at the moment.
I’m not happy.
I hate my friends.
I hate my life.
I hate my grades.
I drive.
I’m bored of driving.
I go clubbing every week.
Shopping is bullshit.
I have a tattoo of a star.
I got my navel pierced.
I have friends that take drugs.
90% of my friends smoke.
I have a business running.
I hate cartoons.
I hate someone.
I have 10 handbags.
I buy PLAYBOY/PLAYGIRL every month.
My school mates know about my blog.
I wanted to be a fashion designer.
Wanted, past-tense.
I love emo rock bands.
I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups.
I’m a rebel.
I started wearing dresses.
High school's filled with drama.
My parents have faith in me.
Maybe a little too much faith.
I’ve bought shoes this month.
I hate sports.
I heart Italian food.
I hate meeting new people.
I hate nail polish.
The mother bear gives me hugs.
People should start appreciating me.
High school was the worst time of my life.
I have cool hair.
One Utama is my second home.
I’m a guy.
I’m scared of my Biology exam.
I hate vacations.
We’ll last.
I believe in long distance relationships.
I’m going to get high and smoke weed one day soon.
I’ve robbed an old lady.
I was stupid.
At times I think I still am a stupid.
I hate surprise parties.
I hate planning parties.
I’m a sinner.
I have a Wii.
I can't live without musics.
Video games are a waste of time.
I miss the father bear.
I love being in love.
I know how to cook.
I have 100% freedom.
I love horror films.
I’m happy with what I have.
I slept in my parents’ room for 3 days after watching Scream when I was a kid.
My old friends keep in touch with me.
I don’t read newspapers.
The news is such a waste of time.
Blogging is a waste of time.
I hate animals.
I can’t live without make-up.(did i?)
I curse like a pirate.
I’m happy with my 14 year old car.
I hate people that are smart
.I love Apple Juice.
I can’t drink for nuts.
I believe that everyone in their teens have lost their virginity.
I’ve got a new phone.
I’m going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month.
I love clubbing.
I haven’t worked out since March.
I love my friends and family.
I'm hot.
What can I say? I'm sexy.
I stab :
Ming Shi, Shun Hui, Shun Fong, Fshi Heng and Ray,Boon Hao..
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
8am class until 4pm, luckily don hav japanese at night, or else i'll die so soon..
a very relax afternoon wit QH at gym.. we stay there bout 1 n half an hour 2 exercise..
hehe... brother, at last i can exercise 2 keep fit...hahaha.. so u will be the 1 who r still XAX.. hahaha.. eat so much fried chicken la.. keep saying "i don care!" la.. keep lure me wit the food la.. haha..
2day dinner wit my home town frens.. spending 1 n half an hour 2 finish the dinner.. everybody, keep in touch o!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
While 2day evening, QH, SH n I hav been waiting
Monday, February 2, 2009
My semester break..
Semester break started for a week di..
Without internet, I seem hav been isolated from people.. No news no contact no gossip no works no activity, my world turns dreary.. Worst come worst, SMSing n get no reply, am I in quarantine??
Fortunately, CNY is around the corner n I find a JOB!! So happy n so lucky to fill my time with making biscuit.. preparing the ingredient, making the paste, molding n frying .. Make myself busy for entire day ..
I got an inspiration, or can be say as aspiration, I wanna learn how to DRIVE ! You know why, waiting bus at my housing area is jus like waiting miracle to be happen in the jungle full wit wild animals, dog n cat r everywhere n the bus station seem to be the home for vagabond since few decades ago. Erm, so I am trying to make an effort to eliminate the road n car phobia tis break, jus waiting 4 the chance n the courage.. haha.. (I failed 2 do so finally..)
“RIVERS FLOW IN YOU”, a song that haunted me on 13th Jan .. Haha.. My neighbour keep playing tis song while I am making biscuit, eating, bathing n resting.. “TO ZANARKAND” gives me the feeling of hope is coming to the darkness n desperation, jus like a star crossing the moonless sky.. While “RIVERS FLOW IN YOU” gives me the feeling of a newborn world full with strength, hope n love, jus like the scene of a garden full with bright yellow sun flower, breathing the fresh air of nature, I gain the power to survive.
So, that’s it.. My first week of holiday gone..
Refresh back the event during Chinese New Year:
I do make something called biscuit,
but it is NICE TO SEE,
but not NICE TO EAT..
must take yaya n may as Shi FU next time.. haha..
on 3rd day of CNY..
Not many ang pao.. Sick on the day b4 Chu Xi..